To Henrik Bruhn at Henriks Landscaping

Hi Henrik Bruhn!

Thank you for your interest in our book which you find right here. You can bookmark this page and return here if you need. You can also download or listen to the audio version of the book, and finally if you want a physical version you can order it for the print cost through Amazon.

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Audio Book

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  • Internet Marketing For Landscapers
  • Personal introduction by the author
  • Who am I, and why should you listen to me?
  • Landscaping as a business
  • Internet and Marketing as a team
  • Your online Marketing strategies
  • How to set up your website
  • How to optimize your website
  • Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • PPC (Pay Per Click)
  • Map listings – Google My Business
  • PPL (Pay Per Lead)
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Multimedia Marketing
  • Tracking and assessment
  • Need more help?

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